Biological and holistic dentistry in Vienna
Table of contents
Scientifically proven effects of medical altitude training & Benefits and intended effects of interval hypoxia-hyperoxia training (IHHT) in medicine:
- Accelerated and improved wound healing after surgery
- Shortening the regeneration time by accelerating the healing process
- Vascularization (formation of new blood vessel capillaries)
- Strengthening the immune system
- improved cell metabolism
- Improved oxygen supply to the cells
- improved energy metabolism (due to increased energy production of the cells)
- Improved blood circulation to organ systems
- positive regulation of the autonomic nervous system (VNS)
- supports organ systems during regeneration
- improved sleep quality, stress resistance and burnout prevention
- Increased performance and improved concentration
- Increases the performance of the cardiovascular system (more economical performance)
- improves lung function and respiratory performance
- normalizes blood pressure
- supports the hormonal balance in balanced regulation
- reduces stress hormones
- Increased stress resistance and mental resilience
- Increases metabolic activity and thus fat burning and thereby weight loss
- improved cell renewal and its cell regeneration (anti-aging)
- Increase of cell energy and strengthening of mitochondria
For this reason, medical altitude training – IHHT – is used in medicine for the following diseases or indications:
- Cardiovascular diseases (high blood pressure)
- Chronic diseases (multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia)
- Diabetes mellitus type 2
- metabolic syndrome
- Asthma and COPD
- Immunodeficiency, susceptibility to infections
- chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- Vascular problems
- Lyme disease
- Post-COVID
- Long-COVID
- Complaints with connective tissue-muscles-bones
- neurodegenerative diseases
- psychovegetative disorders
- stress-induced diseases (burnout)
- Sleep disorders
- Depression
- Migraine and headache
Application in sports:
- Performance enhancement and increase of training endurance
- Strengthening muscles and improving vascular tone
- Improve metabolism and endurance
- the physical resilience is increased
- Reduction of susceptibility to injury
- Formation of erythrocytes is increased
- Improved energy production
- Entry into and preparation for sporting activity in the untrained by improving their general condition.
The knowledge about the healthy air in the high mountains is already very, very old.
In any case, as far as we know, there is knowledge about the positive effect of hypoxic air as a therapy since the early Middle Ages. Even then, children suffering from asthma from Eastern European mountain peoples were taken to higher regions for treatment of their complaints. According to the reports, therapeutic success was achieved with this treatment. And also in the late Middle Ages from Ukrainian monasteries therapeutic effects are described in traditions.
The origin of modern interval hypoxia-hyperoxia training (IHHT) lies in the 1920s aviation era and also found its way into later 20th century space flight.
The principle
Today, however, the air of the middle and high mountains can be consumed without any physical exertion and completely safely, even in medical practice. Purely theoretically up to 6640 m – but such high altitudes are not necessary at all, they are reserved for special trainings for athletes.
So you have the advantage of mountain air training at normal altitude and the stay at altitude can be adjusted individually by the oxygen supply.
Medical altitude training, or interval hypoxia-hyperoxia training (IHHT), trains cell by cell and thus our mitochondria.
Why train the cells?
Today, science assumes that many and various chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, allergies, neurodegenerative diseases, immune deficiencies and also diseases of civilization are related to the functional capacity and functional state of mitochondria.
When mitochondria are damaged, so-called mitochondropathies can develop. These mitochondropathies can be genetic in nature or caused by individual factors and also environmental factors.
Depending on how one views and defines the aging process, aging basically represents an accumulation of defective changes at the cellular level. These cellular defects ultimately result in reduced function or even loss of function of organ systems or the entire body – an internal and external aging process sets in.
A wide variety of individual stresses (illness, negative stress, inadequate nutrition, excessive sport, etc.), but also environmental stresses or toxins can damage cells and thus our mitochondria.
Unfortunately, damaged mitochondria cannot be repaired. However, damaged mitochondria can be eliminated by the body and regenerated by certain mechanisms. And this is where medical altitude training or hypoxia training comes in!
The therapy - The training
By means of a special breathing mask and software, the breathing air is enriched with oxygen in a controlled manner (hyperoxia) or oxygen is reduced somewhat (hypoxia). Under constant monitoring and recording of vital signs, the patient is completely relaxed and now alternately breathes in oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor air.
This is where the name interval hypoxia-hypoxia training (IHHT) comes from.
The therapy of medical altitude training or IHHT works directly on a fundamental functional principle of our body: cell metabolism and thus energy production in the mitochondria. The most important target of this cell training are the smallest cell components – our mitochondria, the power plants of our cells.
Via medical altitude training, it is possible to expose the cells to positive stress, but without feeling any physical strain oneself. This positive stress allows cells to regenerate – new mitochondria can be created and old defective mitochondria are disassociated from the body.
Only the mitochondria have to make an effort – but the person exercising hardly notices this, lying physically completely relaxed in an armchair during the entire workout.
The results
Ultimately, the therapy creates an exercise stimulus that rejuvenates and densifies the mitochondria. As a result, the performance and regenerative capacity of all cells, and thus of the whole body, is optimized, thus having an effect with physical and mental well-being.
The medical altitude training or IHHT is a kind of fitness training for our cells, which sustainably strengthen our immune system and keep us young and healthy.
The body’s own protective systems are strengthened, aging processes are slowed down, and by optimizing cell metabolism, more energy is available to the body, which leads to higher performance, but also more relaxation and faster regeneration.
Scientifically proven, effective and safe application
Medical altitude training or IHHT is an efficient and proven treatment that has been scientifically researched. In 2019, the Nobel Prize was awarded to three medical scientists for the scientific methodology underlying this therapy.
However, as with many methods and therapeutic measures in medicine, patience is already required, since for lasting success, at least ten sessions – depending on the treatment requirements – are necessary.
In this scientifically based hypoxia training, a therapy of about 15-20 sessions in a weekly rhythm have proven to have the best effects. If it is possible for them in terms of time, therapy several times a week is also possible – and also sensible.
In our practice
Medical altitude training or IHHT is used in our practice with great success.
The number of sessions and also the duration are determined by the doctor depending on the treatment needs. A medical history consultation is required prior to the first session of medical altitude training. The actual training takes place in a completely relaxed manner while sitting or lying down and is perceived by our patients as extremely pleasant.